POC of a vulnerable AWS Lambda app leaking environment variables via a compromised NPM package
Guide on deploying multiple cloud resources required to run Lambda witnin a VPC
Which of the libraries to use when to integrate Cognito in JavaScript projects.
Single tool to manage both infrastructure and code pushes.
Github Action workflows do not support code reuse, here's a workaround.
Avoid the chore of copying policy JSON manually.
You are now not limited in how you can send email and SMS notifications in Cognito.
Upgrade Node.js version in Linux and Windows function apps; in Premium and Consumption hosting plans.
How to forward with Cloudflare page rules and workers
A little helper npm script to automate creating a post at DEV.
Quickly open a page in Github to compare branches and commits.
Migrate individual resources and/or whole modules between state in Terragrunt without having to recreate infrastructure.
Don't confuse multiple terminal windows when running sh/bash/zsh in Docker containers.
Prevent access to a Function App from unauthorized sources and restrict it to an API Management instance.
How to fix configuration drift in Terraform caused by Zip Deploy + Run from Package
Add structured data (JSON-LD) to enable rich snippets in Google search results.
Starter kit + guide for a Serverless GraphQL API backed by PostgreSQL and external APIs with migrations, infrastructure-as-code, CI and tests.
Want to add a custom domain to your APIM instance? Using Cloudflare? Generate a free SSL certificate in minutes.
Visual overview of Azure API Management service: what it is, how it works and how it can be useful to you.
Periodic reports from experts to help you choose technologies to learn and use next.
A practical, step by step guide on how to deploy an Azure Function with Terraform.
Example curl requests to make GraphQL queries and mutations.
Run tests and code quality checks on pull requests in Github.
Minimal setup to get you started with unit-testing HTTP-triggered Azure Functions.
Use Cloudflare Workers to add password protection on top of a website or API.
This is literally the first blog post I published back in 2012.